Our Mission

Home should be a safe haven for individuals of all ages. We provide interior and exterior home safety modifications and comprehensive renovations to modernize the home while prioritizing long term safety and accessibility.

Fact: 90% of individuals polled want to age-in-place and retain independence in their home.

The problem: 85% of older adults have done nothing to prepare their homes for aging.

The solution: Blue Ridge Home Safety provides a 240-point home safety assessment focused on fall prevention, accessibility, fire safety, security and modifications that can greatly impact you or your loved one’s health and comfort.

Accidental falls have become an epidemic in America, and they are now the leading cause of death due to injury for adults over the age of 65. Falls also account for 40% of all assisted living admissions due to loss of independence.

Blue Ridge Home Safety believes that many accidents in the home are preventable and that risks can be mitigated by modifications and awareness.